A little over a year ago, I was sitting at a campfire with my friend Zac. I said something like I'm hungry or I'm cold (statements that often come out of my mouth) and he turned to me and said, not at all judgmentally, "you know, you kinda complain a lot." I thought for a second and realized he was right. I do complain a lot. Its been over a year now and I'm still thinking about his comment.
So what does this have to do with my trip to France? Why am I even writing about it? Well, I had to jump through a lot of hoops to get here. And I still am jumping through hoops even though I've been here for a month. Notice the hint of a whine? Yeah, me too. I've realized that I have grumbled too much about all of this. Of course, some of them are reasonable complaints. But I'm in France! I get to live and study here for a year! I get to take whichever classes I want because they will be excepted no matter what and I'm ahead in my degree requirements. I'm slowly learning a second language. I've met students from all over the world. I have been to Paris and Brussels, and in a few weeks I'm going to London! And after I turn in one more piece of paper (cross your fingers) my immigration will be complete and official. What is there to really complain about?! Sure there have been bumps and changes of plans and tolls along the way. But this experience will all be worth it because, as they say, the ends justify the means.