On this road to studying abroad in France there have been a couple bumps, things that I didn't expect/forgot about, that maybe slowed me down a little but haven't really caused any problems. But now I've reached a big pothole- nothing that I can't get around but it definitely needs extra caution and planning. This pothole comes in the form of money problems. Of course, money problems are to be expected right? I am a college student and money issues kind of comes with the territory. I knew going into this experience that money was going to be tight but then this pothole.
Most of my trip will be covered by loans, with a couple scholarships and a grant thrown in. As a student, the loans I can personally take out is limited. The rest of the money that I need was to come from a parent plus loan amounting to approximately $13,000. To receive this loan my parents had to have a credit check. This was nothing to worry about in my or their minds because they have excellent credit, it was just another task that had to be completed before I left. Well, a couple days ago a found out that my parents were not approved for this loan. (I received an extra $5,000 in loans to 'replace' this loan I didn't get). Why, you might ask?
About four years ago my family moved and we did not sell our house leading to my family filing a deed in lieu of foreclosure. If you are not familiar with this, it basically means that it released my family from all debt while forfeiting all equity and the bank got the house. Fast forward to my loan. My parents weren't approved for this loan because the bank said my parents still owe them money. This isn't true because all the debt on the house was forgiven but this "debt" is on their record.
So my pothole. I am currently about $7,000 short of how much money the study abroad office recommends that I have. And now the fundraising begins. If you feel so inclined, please, please donate to me. There is a donate button to this right of this post. If you want to know what the money will go towards: books and living expenses. I'm going to try to get private loan too, but I have no idea if that will work out or when I'd be able to use that money if I do get it. If you can't donate, please pray that this will all be worked out.